Track your order
Do you want to track your order? When your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email that the item has been shipped with your tracking number included. Once you receive the email, enter your tracking number below to easily check the delivery status.
Things to keep in mind:
Order number is not updated immediately with available shipping status. If the tracking number you entered shows that it is currently unavailable, don't worry - Your order has been shipped and is on its way to your local post office. The tracking should update within a few business days. Depending on where the item is shipped from, it may take 8 to 14 business days for the order to be delivered.
If you see any irrelevant ads on the tracking popup, we sincerely apologize. We use a third-party order tracking service to ensure the best possible tracking results, so we have no control over which ads appear there. Thank you for your understanding.